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Self Care during COVID and always!

As a woman and a mother, I know I am a creature who takes care of everyone first and myself last. Sound familiar? Caregiving is really, hard work and "rewarding" ourselves once in a blue moon is not enough to really rejuvenate bodies, souls, or spirits. But hey - let's throw in COVID!!!

I think we can all agree that we have all had to deal with a LOT more during the last year than anyone ever could have anticipated. Between virtual schooling, toilet paper hunting, and wearing face masks everywhere with everyone, we have had our fair share of struggles to overcome in 2020. I was hoping to leave it all behind on December 31 like most, but here we are - 2021. New day, same stuff to deal with.

When it's hard to struggle through life's challenges, I often go inward. Dive deeper into me to find answers, to gather strength, and balance me out. I spend more time in and around nature to help ground myself - walking, 4 wheelings, gardening, or kayaking. I read books that provoke thoughts or teach strategies to not only help grow me a healer but also to develop into a better person. I spend a lot more time experimenting with recipes and go back to scratch cooking to relieve stress - too bad my jeans do not appreciate the comfort eating!

I spent a lot more reflecting and restoring the practices that I used to do pre-children. I gave myself facials, spent evenings soaking in a salt bath, reconnected with my love of cooking from scratch and especially, slowing down to take in life with my family. But why did I wait so long to do this for myself?!?!

Reflecting back on this last year, even though COVID has been really devastating for many, I am grateful for being forced to slow down, learn, reflect, change but most of all grow! And I am not going back to me I was pre-COVID!

But I have a question for you. How have you taken care of yourself?


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