Self Care during COVID and always!As a woman and a mother, I know I am a creature who takes care of everyone first and myself last. Sound familiar? Caregiving is really,...
Reading price increasing in October 2018After careful consideration, I have decided that it is time to raise my rates for readings. I have been training like crazy and with two...
Realm Reading CertifiedI am so excited to let you all know that I am now certified to do Realm Readings! A Realm Reading gives you a more clear picture of who...
Always learning!I have really busy lately, all to benefit you! It's truly important to me to learn as much as I can as often as I can to help serve my...
Yoo hoo! Your intuition is calling.Do you ever get that nagging feeling? Like something telling you to take a different path to work? Or not answer the phone because you...
Why butterflies?For as long as I can remember I have loved butterflies. The colors, how they float through the air, the process in which they transform...
Dear Universe . . .Dear Universe, Thank you for giving me unique abilities to understand my role in life and my determination to help others. My journey...
Beginning the Journey . . .As I began this journey 9 months ago, I knew that I would be learning a lot about the spirit world and the tools I would need to help...